About Knowbe4
KnowBe4 is a top provider of IT security awareness training worldwide. Their Enterprise Awareness Training Program offers a comprehensive approach to build a secure organization by integrating testing, simulated attacks, interactive training, and continuous evaluation.
Protection against social engineering through continuous security awareness training:
Integrated Platform
KnowBe4’s platform integrates all functions in one, easy to use GUI. Kick off training campaigns and simulated attacks in minutes. You can completely customize your own templates, landing pages and simulated attachments, spoof your own domain for simulated CEO Fraud attacks with reply tracking.
Random Attack Delivery
KnowBe4 was the first to provide you with "double-random" message delivery. Choose from 15,000+ highly realistic phishing messages, spread over time during working hours. Every employee receives a different phishing email at a different time. New templates from the wild are constantly added and we create "Current Events" templates for you.
Unlimited Use
We offer three Training Access Levels: I, II, and III, giving you access to our content library of 1000+ items based on your subscription level. Unlimited access to all phishing features with flexible licensing. Powerful new features added regularly.
Superior Tech Support
As an enterprise customer, you are automatically enrolled in our Platinum Tech Support program. We are U.S.-based, pride ourselves on very short response times and have an excellent reputation.
Advanced Enterprise Reporting
Executive and enterprise-level reporting gives visibility into your entire organization’s security awareness performance with insights into correlated training and phishing simulation data over any specified period of time. Leverage Reporting APIs to create your own customized reports to integrate with other BI systems.
Risk Scoring
The innovative Virtual Risk Officer functionality helps you identify risk at the user, group and organizational level and enables you to make data-driven decisions when it comes to your security awareness plan.